Sunday, April 4, 2010

Register Plug-In options

install plug-in dll can be in 3 install options

1. disk
in this case the file must be under server\bin\assembly folder

2. database
CRM upload the file to database. this plug-in option is the faster from all the three options
3. GAC
file must be under c:\windows\assembly

if the DLL have references to GAC in this case install the dll only if the GAC contain the relevant files ( depend on CRM installation ( Full server or in 2 servers platform and application))

replace-update dll:
if replace for new version failed by getting error message " The file is in used"... in this case stop the service:
Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0 Async service
and start again... if still failed to replace the file in this case stop the IIS.
can get this error if file register to Disk or GAC.

to register the dll use Plug-in registarion.. from SDK download.

using images help to get all fields from pre and post or get selected fields.

pre and post images relenat for all messages except Create.. Contain only post images.

Rami Heleg.